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60 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

O tempo das Violetas

Jio, Sarah
O tempo das Violetas

Entre violetas e um diário secreto, o amor pode renascer. Aos 20 anos, Emily estava nos píncaros. Escritora de sucesso e casada com um homem de capa de revista, o futuro parecia-lhe auspicioso. Dez anos depois, a sua sorte deu uma reviravolta. Desanimada por um súbito bloqueio criativo e a recuperar de um divórcio, Emily é convidada pela sua tia-avó Bee a passar um mês na idílica ilha d...

CHF 33.50

Die Buchhandlung in der Baker Street

Jio, Sarah / Förs, Katharina
Die Buchhandlung in der Baker Street
Für Valentina geht ein Traum in Erfüllung: Sie erbt überraschend eine Buchhandlung in London. Der Laden in der Baker Street gehörte ihrer Mutter Eloise, die die Familie vor vielen Jahren verlassen und jeglichen Kontakt abgebrochen hatte. In London angekommen entdeckt Valentina in ihren Lieblingsbüchern »Nachrichten« von ihrer Mutter - und diese enthüllen Unglaubliches. Valentina muss sich nicht nur mit sorgsam gehüteten Familiengeheimnissen a...

CHF 17.50

The Bookshop on Primrose Hill

Jio, Sarah
The Bookshop on Primrose Hill
For lovers of cosy bookshops and scavenger hunts, The Bookshop on Primrose Hill is a bittersweet and uplifting story about the bond between mothers and daughters from New York Times bestselling author Sarah Jio. Perfect for fans of Abbi Waxman, Veronica Henry and Jenny Colgan.

CHF 17.50

As Violetas de Março

Jio, Sarah
As Violetas de Março
AUTORA BESTSELLER DO THE NEW YORK TIMES Emily Taylor é uma mulher jovem e escritora de sucesso, mas não gosta muito de seu próprio livro. Também tem um casamento que parece ideal, no entanto ele acabará em divórcio. Sentindo que sua vida perdeu o propósito, Emily decide fazer as malas e passar um tempo em Bainbridge - a ilha onde morou qua

CHF 39.90

A Última Camélia

Jio, Sarah
A Última Camélia
Às vésperas da Segunda Guerra Mundial, o último espécime de uma camélia rara, a Middlebury Pink, esconde mentiras e segredos em uma afastada propriedade rural inglesa. Flora, uma jovem americana, é contratada por um misterioso homem para se infiltrar na Mansão Livingston e conseguir a flor cobiçada. Sua busca é iluminada por um amor e amea

CHF 40.50

With Love from London

Jio, Sarah
With Love from London
A librarian inherits a bookshop from her estranged mother, leading her halfway across the world on a journey of self-discovery that transcends time and honors the unbreakable bonds of love and family.When librarian Valentina Baker was a teenager, her mother, Eloise, unexpectedly fled to her native London, leaving Val and her father on their own. Now in her thirties and fresh out of a failed marriage, Val feels a nagging disenchantment with her...

CHF 20.50

All the Flowers in Paris

Jio, Sarah
All the Flowers in Paris
Sarah Jio weaves past and present in this eminently readable novel about love, gratitude, and forgiveness. I tore through the pages!"-New York Times bestselling author Christina Baker KlineTwo women are connected across time by the city of Paris, a mysterious stack of love letters, and shocking secrets sweeping from World War II to the present-for readers of Sarah's Key and The Nightingale.When Caroline wakes up in a Paris hospital with no mem...

CHF 22.50

All the Flowers in Paris

Jio, Sarah
All the Flowers in Paris
One mother's desperate hope for survival. 1943: In occupied Paris, Celine creates bespoke bouquets at her father's flower shop on rue Cler, whilst trying to shield her young daughter from the brutal reality of war. But when an SS officer takes an interest in Celine and her family, all their lives are put in jeopardy...One woman's search for the truth... 2009: Caroline wakes in Paris with no memory of her previous life. Hunting for clues to her...

CHF 17.50

Blackberry Winter

Jio, Sarah
Blackberry Winter
An emotional story of a mother's love, a missing child and the ways personal connections can transcend the boundaries of time. Perfect for fans of Kathryn Hughes and Lucinda Riley.

CHF 17.50

The Violets of March

Jio, Sarah
The Violets of March
A beautiful story of love, loss and second chances. As one woman searches for hope after a devastating divorce she discovers help hidden within the pages of a 1943 diary.

CHF 16.50

All the Flowers in Paris

Jio, Sarah
All the Flowers in Paris
Two women are connected across time by the city of Paris, a mysterious stack of love letters, and shocking secrets, sweeping from World War II to the present.When Caroline wakes up in a Paris hospital with no memory of her past, she's confused to learn that she's lived a sad, reclusive life for years in a sprawling apartment on the Rue de Cler. Slowly regaining vague memories of a man and young child, she vows to piece her life back together--...

CHF 22.90

Schmetterlinge im Winter

Jio, Sarah / Breuer, Charlotte / Möllemann, Norbert
Schmetterlinge im Winter
Kailey kommt gerade von einem romantischen Dinner mit ihrem Verlobten Ryan, als sie auf der Straße einem obdachlosen Mann begegnet. Sie sieht ihm in die Augen und erkennt sofort: Es ist Cade, ihre große Jugendliebe. Der Mann, der von einem auf den anderen Tag verschwunden ist und der vor vielen Jahren ihr Herz gebrochen hat. Dieses Wiedersehen führt Kailey in ihre Vergangenheit zurück und stellt sie vor die schwerste Entscheidung ihres Lebens....

CHF 14.50


Jio, Sarah
A gripping novel about the kind of love that never lets go, and the heart's capacity to remember, from the New York Times bestselling author of Blackberry Winter and The Violets of MarchEnjoying a romantic candlelit dinner with her fiancé, Ryan, at one of Seattle's chicest restaurants, Kailey Crain can't believe her good fortune: She has a great job as a journalist and is now engaged to a guy who is perfect in nearly every way. As she and Ryan...

CHF 22.50

Bloesem in de nacht

Jio, Sarah / Robroch, Harmien
Bloesem in de nacht
Seattle, mei 1932. Alleenstaande moeder Vera Ray geeft haar driejarige zoontje Daniel een nachtzoen en vertrekt naar haar nachtdienst in het plaatselijke hotel waar ze werkt. De volgende ochtend heeft een late sneeuwstorm de hele stad bedekt, en haar zoon blijkt diezelfde nacht te zijn verdwenen. Buiten op straat ligt zijn teddybeer, verlaten in de sneeuw. Seattle, mei 2010. Claire Aldridge, journaliste bij de Seattle Herald, krijgt de opdrach...

CHF 17.90

Il diario di velluto cremisi

Jio, Sarah / Dompè, M. / Rincori, A.
Il diario di velluto cremisi
È ormai notte quando Emily sale sul traghetto per Bainbridge Island, poche miglia al largo di Seattle. Davanti a sé, le luci dell'isola la accolgono come un abbraccio. Quel luogo è sempre stato il suo rifugio, la sua oasi di tranquillità, ed è quindi il posto ideale per dimenticare, per lasciarsi alle spalle le carte del divorzio appena firmate, il romanzo che il suo editore attende con ansia, ma che lei non ha ancora scritto, e l'oceano di ri...

CHF 12.50